Tuesday 16 August 2011

Bernese Mountain Dog

Just a quick update tonight, I had meant to blog about this piece on Sunday but got distracted by cooking, cleaning, all the fun things that need doing on a Sunday afternoon! I was also busy monitoring the progress of the baby pigeons who had hatched months ago in one of the trees in our garden, of which I have some pictures that I will share as soon as I have more time. I also started another original wildlife pastel painting today, most of the background has gone in so I will post the first stages soon, hopefully tomorrow :) In the meantime, here is the second scan of my Bernese Mountain Dog portrait that I am working on in graphite. I like to try and work left to right so as not to smudge anything and tomorrow I will be working on the left part of his face and left ear, so he should look much better once that is done as right now he's looking a little odd!

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Decisions and a Finished Portrait

After picking up my pencils again for Zac's portrait it seems I have got the ball rolling where graphite is concerned. Shortly after finishing Zac I began working on this little Pekingese called Peekee. I also managed to finished in a relatively short time so tomorrow he'll be taken to the framers along with Zac to be mounted and then will be posted off to his new home. The reference photo wasn't great but I am pleased by the likeness and also so are his owners!

Now the "decision" part of this post is regarding my inability to decide what original art I should be working on next. A few months ago I was approached by the manager of a local gallery who had seen one of my flyers and was interested in my work. He suggested that I bring in a small portfolio of originals to him and his boss and they could either sign me up to produce work for them or to help me find work for others, which was an extremely exciting prospect! I have the first original complete, my tiger pastel "In For A Kill" and now as always I'm struggling to think of what to do next.

So in the meantime I took up another graphite drawing, this time just for myself, of a lovely Bernese Mountain Dog the reference to which is on the Pet Portrait Forums. I haven't scanned the first stages yet but will be sure to do so tomorrow, and hopefully I may have come to the decision of what original I'll do next.