Wednesday 24 October 2012


Today I took Oscar and Wilbur to the framers, they will be ready next week for me to collect and send on their way to the client. I will be sure to post pictures as they will both look lovely in their frames.

Here is the work I have completed so far on Jude, I'm posting a few WIP pictures as I have been scanning at various stages to post on Facebook. So here she is, hoping to have her finished by the end of the week!

Saturday 6 October 2012


Another Christmas commission completed! This is Wilbur, he was commissioned by the same client who ordered Oscar, they will be framed this week then shipped off in plenty time for the holidays. He is also approx 12x14 inches, completed in graphite on Fabriano Artistico paper.

Next I will be on to Jude, another Cocker Spaniel, also in graphite. I hope to get the paper cut and the line drawing completed by today with perhaps a start on some shading. Also in the queue I have Lacey Lou, a Border Terrier to be completed in pastel, and two wildlife pastel paintings to be completed. So, very busy at the moment! Until next time, thanks for checking out the blog :)

Monday 1 October 2012

Christmas Commissions

It's nearly that time again! Last year I decided not to do any commissions as I wanted to focus on the PP Diploma. Now I only have one piece left to do so I have been taken orders for Christmas and I am nearly fully booked! Here is the first one that I have completed, Oscar, a gorgeous Cocker Spaniel puppy in graphite.

I am currently working on a portrait of a dog named Wilbur for the same client which I am hoping to get part way finished today. These two will also be framed. Then it's on to yet another Cocker Spaniel, this time an older lady named Jude. Busy busy!

Friday 6 July 2012

Weimeraner for PP Diploma

A quick post (again) I'm finally brave enough to show my WIP of the moment. A weimeraner in a simple garden scene, painted in oils on linen for the pet portrait diploma. After working mainly on the face and neck yesterday this area is almost complete, only some glazes and final tweaking to do. I'm actually really proud of this now, it's all coming together in the end! Lots more background work to do however, this is my penultimate set of exercises so I am determined to do them thoroughly and get them right.

Monday 28 May 2012

Back to Posting

It seems I have neglected my posting yet again. I haven't been neglecting my art, but have been working on college pieces and gotten one assignment back for which I got a good assessment so I am very pleased. Here is one of the finished pieces, I started and finished in the same day so it was a very quick one for me and I have called it "Anyone for Tennis?

Anyone for Tennis?
In other news I have also been working on this little cheetah club, which I am hoping to tweak throughout the day until he is completely finished.

Thursday 9 February 2012

Amur Leopard WIP

I know I said I was going to concentrate on my college work...but, I'm waiting for a delivery of new canvases and Pastelmat, and the temptation to paint this amazing leopard just got too great. I'm very fortunate in that a work colleague of my boyfriend is allowing me to use his photos as references. He has some really amazing stuff, and a LOT of squirrels! So there may be a squirrel portrait in the works soon.

I'm very grateful to him and I said I would send him links of my WIPs, so thanks again Jon, and hope you like my interpretations of your brilliant photos! This is only how much I managed to get done today, I started at about 12 o'clock and finally finished the base drawing at about 2. So I only have a background and an ear to show. It's a big one again, 50cm by 70cm on Pastelmat (ofc) Please excuse the bad quality of the photo, my camera battery is charging so this was taken with my phone.

Thursday 19 January 2012

College Work

As promised, I didn't wait too long to post again! Here is today's work. This is one of my college pieces and as such is more of a practice than an actual portrait. The brief was to paint a close up portrait of a horses head and bridle, in any medium, to accurately portray the bridle and the shadows it casts upon the horse. I decided to do oils because it's the medium I'd most like to master and I'm sure Mel can offer me lots of help.
I found a free reference photo online and started work before Christmas. I've blocked in the main colours of the horse, some more refining is needed before I can start detailing though. Tomorrow I''m going to finish off the basic parts of the bridle and to try and blend the horse into the black background somewhat.
I'm not entirely happy, the canvas quality isn't great and it shows, this photo that I have taken isn't the best either. In fact, it looks pretty ugly at this stage. But that is what the course is all about, I can't expect to master something straight away, it will be great to get feedback once it's completed.